Bristol UK

I am a passionate nature nerd and enjoy doing talks, seminars, webinars as well as part time & guest lecture for MA courses in Nottingham, University of South Wales and the University of Wales Trinity Saint David. Here are a few recent ones, please get in touch if you would like anyone to speak about wildlife film, camerawork, technology, zoology, storytelling, production, travel, conservation, climate change, directing...etc!
I've spoken and done masterclasses/workshops at the Royal Geographic Society, NEC for Wanderlust Magazine, BBC news, RTS, Radio - BBC Bristol, Guernsey, Kent/online, Wex, Digital Photo magazine, Travel Adventure Show, Panasonic, Sennheiser, Atomos, Big Cat, the Travel Show, British Film Institute at Millennium square, Inside Japan Tours.
WEX Women in The Industry - Conservation Filmmaking
"Join pro wildlife filmmaker, director and LUMIX-shooter Tania Esteban for a live interview around conservation and filmmaking. Esteban is a bilingual Zoologist and self-shooting Assistant Producer with a passion for visually stunning, emotive storytelling and natural history film. She is using her creative skills and talents to produce cinematic and stylish wildlife documentaries that are entertaining, raise awareness of current issues, and connect with audiences. During this session, Tania will talk us through her creative processes inclusive of field directing, editorial preparation and practical shooting."

Filming Animal Courtship & Storytelling ft Tania Esteban #96 Podcast
On today's show I’m chatting to Tania Esteban who is a zoologist, self shooting assistant producer and wildlife filmmaker. She's worked on many high profile natural history series like Planet Earth II and The Mating Game as well as producing her own impactful films. Myself and Tania discuss if she enjoys the editorial process, what it's like working for netflix and filming animal sex! Full Podcast Here: https://beardedtit.podbean.com

The Photography Show (virtual)
"Tania Esteban is part of 22 women who are partnered with the Women Who Photo & Film campaign, which was originally launched by The Photography Show & The Video Show in 2018. This year, Tania and the other Women Who Photo & Film ambassadors will be hosting an informal networking session on Sunday 20 September from 17:00 BST onwards."

Watching blue-chip natural history today looks and feels like an epic cinematic experience; with mind-blowing visuals and fluid movement that encapsulates audiences and moves them emotionally to connect with the on-screen animal characters. Whilst technology opens up the possibilities of capturing endless shots - how do you know which shots to take and then use in the edit to tell your story? What goes into making a natural history documentary? Find out what kit is used to create such cinematic masterpieces and how you can produce your own natural history sequences on a budget. In this talk wildlife filmmaker Tania reveals the secrets to what makes great natural history television using recent Lumix on Location case studies - it's all in the storytelling.

Wanderlust Magazine
"Tania Esteban is a wildlife filmmaker who is passionate about storytelling and nature. When we asked Tania to create a CEWE PHOTOBOOK to preserve some of her most precious travel memories, she took the opportunity to tell the inspiring story of her time in Kenya's Meru National Park where she filmed lions in the wild as part of the award-winning short film 'A Lion's Tale'.

The Adventure Travel Show - Wanderlust Magazine
Saturday 18 January 14:45 – 15:30
Have you always wanted to know what life is like for wildlife filmmakers? How did they get into it, what skills are required, and how do they find the stories? Can anyone do it? Well, it’s certainly not just all about tough blokes with beards spending months in a hide as we’ll find out in this chat with two of the UK’s most talented women in wildlife filmmaking.
Sophie is a BAFTA award-winning UK based natural history filmmaker and Director of Photography. Tania is a camera assistant/operator, researcher, she has worked as a BBC researcher on Big Cats, Wild Cities, BBC Planet Earth 2 and Blue Planet 2. We’ll get an insight into their craft, as well as seeing some of their incredible work.